File #: 22-142    Version: 1
Type: Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 9/14/2022 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 9/27/2022 Final action:
Title: New Links Title VI Analysis
Attachments: 1. 2021.09.29 - Title VI Hearing Presentation - FINAL, 2. 2022.08.04 - New Links Redesign - Title VI Equity Analysis
Related files: 23-018, 23-191, 24-010


New Links Title VI Analysis


DESCRIPTION: Review and acknowledgment of the Title VI analysis conducted for the implementation of the New Link plan.

AGENDA NO: Click or tap here to enter text.

ACTION REQUEST: Approval   Review Comment Information Only    Other




Review and acknowledgment of the Title VI Equity Analysis of the network redesign, based on the Board-approved New Links plan, finds NO disparate impact on vulnerable communities based on the RTA’s Title VI and Environmental Justice Policy Manual.




In early 2021, the RTA Board of Commissioners adopted the New Links Network Redesign Plan and instructed RTA staff to move toward the plan’s implementation. As part of the implementation process, the RTA staff conducted a Title VI review in accordance with the agency’s Title VI and Environmental Justice Policy (2013). The RTA staff found that the proposed New Links changes resulted in no disparate impact to vulnerable communities in the RTA service area, as defined by the RTA Title VI policy.




New Links was a two-year collaborative planning process between the RTA, Regional Planning Commission, and Jefferson Transit to re-imagine how public transit connects the region. The plan recommends the reallocation of resources throughout the system to better serve the community. Because of the scale of the project, a Title VI review of the plan is required by federal law to ensure that no marginalized or vulnerable community within the RTA service area experiences a disparate impact from the changes.


According to the RTA’s Title VI and Environmental Justice Policy a disparate impact is defined as a negative impact that is predominantly borne by a minority and/or low-income community. This is measured the percentage of vulnerable population impacted relative to the overall percentage of the population in the service area. In addition to an analysis of disparate impact, access metrics for vulnerable populations were also measured.


Access Metrics


A review of access metrics seeks to increase the percentage of people with access to frequent transit (20-minute headways or better). The reorganization of transit resources in the New Links plan results in a slight overall decrease in general transit coverage - shown by a slight increase in the percentage of the regional population without service within one-half mile. However, the trade-off for the slight overall reduction in service is significant increases in job access and service for vulnerable and transit dependent residents.


-                     Increased share of residents within ½ mile walk of frequent transit coming every 20 minutes or less

o                     19% in February 2020

o                     38% in New Links network



-                     Increased share of regional jobs within ½ mile of frequent transit coming every 20 minutes or less

o                     35% in February 2020

o                     60% in New Links Network



-                     Increased share of low-income residents, households without access to a car, and residents of color with access to a bus or streetcar coming every 20 minutes or less:

o                     65% of households without access to a car would have access to frequent transit

§                     Existing: 35%

o                     45% of residents of color would have access to frequent transit

§                     Existing: 21%

o                     47% of residents in poverty would have access to frequent transit

§                     Existing: 23%



Disparate Impact on Minority Residents


Impacts were not found to have a disparate negative impact on minority populations. Areas with decreased service have a lower portion of minority residents than the service area as a whole.













Disparate Impact on Low-Income Populations

Impacts were not found to place a disproportionate burden on low-income populations. Areas with decreased service have a lower portion of residents living in poverty than the service area as a whole.




The New Links Network Redesign Plan seeks to improve transit service for residents while operating within the resource constraints of the existing agency. Given that constraint, the reorganization of transit service will, by necessity, negatively impact some communities more than others. The purpose of the RTA’s Title VI policy is to ensure that those negative impacts do not disproportionately impact vulnerable communities - particularly minority and low-income ones. RTA’s Title VI policy has been approved by FTA. The RTA has determined, through the attached Title VI Equity Analysis, that the proposed changes do not create a disparate impact on minority and low-income communities in accordance with the RTA’s Title VI policy.


No financial impact.



None required. Implementation of New Links Plan is scheduled to be incorporated in majority for September 25, 2022 service pick. 



-                     New Links Network Redesign Title VI Equity Analysis - Final Draft

-                     New Links Title VI Analysis Presentation



Prepared By:                                          Vivek Shah

Title:                                                               Director of Service Planning and Scheduling



Reviewed By:                     Gerard Guter

Title:                                                               Chief Operating Officer


Alex Wiggins                                                                                                                               09/13/22

Chief Executive Officer                                                                                     Date