Cooperative Endeavor Agreement Between the City of New Orleans and the Regional Transit Authority for Algiers Ferry Terminal Funding
DESCRIPTION: Requesting Board authorization to approve a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City of New Orleans and Regional Transit Authority for Algiers Ferry Terminal Funding
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Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City of New Orleans and the Regional Transit Authority for capital funding for the renovation of the Algiers Ferry Terminal.
The RTA is seeking to renovate the Algiers Ferry Terminal at Morgan Street in the Algiers Point neighborhood ("Algiers Ferry Terminal"). The RTA has sought and been awarded two capital grants from the Federal Transit Administration to support this project.
In 2019, the City of New Orleans secured $291,000 in funding from the State of Louisiana ("State Funding") for the renovation of the Algiers Ferry Terminal. The proposed Cooperative Endeavor Agreement ("CEA") between the City of New Orleans and the RTA is the mechanism by which the State Funding can flow from the City to the RTA to support the project. The CEA outlines standard terms and conditions for disbursement of the State Funding to the RTA and the respective responsibilities of the RTA and City to ensure a successful project and mutually satisfactory oversight of its design and construction. The CEA is included here as an attachment to this summary.
Including the State Funding, the renovation of the Algiers Ferry Terminal is fully funded and ready to start construction in 2025.
The terms of the CEA have been reviewed and agreed upon by both the RTA's Chief Legal Officer and the City Attorney's Office for the City of New Orleans. The principal components of the...
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