FY2022 Passenger Ferry Grant Algiers Point Ferry Terminal Enhancement and Lower Algiers Maintenance Facility State of Good Repair Projects
DESCRIPTION: Grant Application for federal funds to increase the usable square footage at the Algiers Point Ferry Terminal and to repair building components due to deferred maintenance at the Lower Algiers Maintenance Facility
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Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to seek federal funds in the amount of $5,224,965 to increase the usable square footage at the Algiers Point Ferry Terminal and to repair building components due to deferred maintenance at the Lower Algiers Maintenance Facility. The local match is $1,306,241 and the total project amount will be $6,531,207.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced the opportunity to apply for $294.5 million in competitive grants under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Passenger Ferry Grant Program (Passenger Ferry Program) ($36.5M), Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program (Low-No Ferry Program) ($49M), and Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program (Rural Ferry Program) ($209M).
The Federal public transportation law (49 U.S.C. 5307 (h)) authorizes FTA to award grants for passenger ferries through a competitive process. Projects funded under this program will improve the condition and quality of existing passenger ferry services, support the establishment of new passenger ferry services, and repair and modernize ferry boats, terminals and related facilities and equipment. It is under this program that the RTA has traditionally qualified for funding.
The New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (RTA) is requesting $5,224,965 in federal funding to make enhancements to two facilities in its Ferry portfolio; Algiers Point Ferry Terminal and the Maintenance Facility l...
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