NeoGov Contract Renewal (2025)
DESCRIPTION: NeoGov contract renewal for Human Capital applicant and employee suite services for FY 2025 |
AGENDA NO: Click or tap here to enter text. |
ACTION REQUEST: ☒ Approval ☐ Review Comment ☐ Information Only ☐ Other |
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to approve a contract renewal for NeoGov services through January 30, 2026, for an amount not to exceed $149,356.14.
RTA Human Capital Department uses NeoGov for onboarding, learn & talent management, and Eforms Policy. RTA seeks to continue NeoGov Software as a Service through 2025.
The NeoGov initial contract supported 78 employees in the hiring and time & payroll was executed in February 2020 via Sole Source procurement in the amount of $53,291 for two years. Resolution 21-043 in June 2021 initiated a change order to increase employees to total workforce of 818 employees (at that time). Additionally, payroll time and attendance were removed, and learn management and benefits module were added at an additional cost of $134,972.25 bringing the total cost for NeoGov package to $188,263.25. The 2023 renewal saw the addition of Eforms Policy manager at a total cost of $199,528.36.
With the implementation of Core HR in Oracle in 2023, HRIS and Benefits was removed from scope from NeoGov thereby reducing the total costs for modules in 2023-2024 renewal which was approved in Board Resolution 24-005 on January 23, 2024 for a total cost of $139,277.31. Subsequent to the initial agreement, all funds were procured via Sole Source requisition. The current 2025 renewal subscription increases by a standard rate of 7.23% at $149,356.14.
The combination of several large RTA initiatives limiting the availability of key implementation and HR resources, RTA was unable to fully implement HR modules currently available in Oracle in 2024. In order to provide undivided attention and resources toward the transition away from NeoGov to Oracle. RTA wishes to continue with NeoGov as a Software Service for one year to afford resources and time to fully implement the remaining HR functions in Oracle.
RTA intends to requisition via Sole Source procurement the annual renewal of the Software as a Service from NeoGov. The funding is currently available through local funding via budget code 01.2900.02.7140. for a total cost of $149,356.14.
Upon RTA Board approval, staff will assign a purchase order and complete the project.
1. NeoGov Resolution
2. NeoGov Quote
3. Procurement summary/ Routing sheet
4. NeoGov Order Form 2.10.2020 signed
5. 21-043 NeoGov Change Order Approved 6.22.2021
6. 21-079 NeoGov Sole Source Routing Form 4.30.2021
7. NeoGov Amendment 4.30.2021 signed
8. 23-005 NeoGov Contract Renewal Approved 1.21.2023
9. 23-215 NeoGov Approved 1.23.2024
Prepared By: Doris O’Sullivan
Title: Project Manager of Information Technology III
Reviewed By: Sterlin Stevens
Title: Director of Information Technology
Reviewed By: Gizelle Johnson Banks
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Lona Hankins Date
Chief Executive Officer