Authorization to procure Clever System to integrate Ferry Mode
DESCRIPTION: The RTA is seeking approval from the Board of Commissioners to procure hardware and services from CLEVER DEVICES LTD. to integrate the ferry mode into the RTA’s existing Clever system. |
AGENDA NO: Click or tap here to enter text. |
ACTION REQUEST: ☒ Approval ☐ Review Comment ☐ Information Only ☐ Other |
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to engage into a procurement with CLEVER DEVICES LTD. for $336,549.00 to purchase hardware, labor, design, configuration, testing, engineering, and project management services to integrate the ferry mode into the RTA’s existing Clever system.
Per an existing procurement contract (RFP #2016-009) signed and executed on 16 December 2016 between CLEVER DEVICES LTD. and the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (RTA), the original scope of services did not include integration of an Automatic Vehicle/Computer Aided Dispatch System (Clever System) for the ferry mode.
Integrating the ferry mode into the RTA’s existing Clever System would provide several benefits such as 1) allow for real-time tracking of all ferries during normal and emergency operations, 2) improve status and emergency communications between the ferries and RTA dispatch, 3) add covert emergency alert capabilities from the ferry to emergency responders should an attack or hijacking occur onboard, 4) allow for digital and remote deployment of marketing and service information to riders, and 5) allow for remote surveillance of internal ferry cameras to facilitate oversight of critical areas onboard.
RTA’s management has evaluated and determined that purchase of hardware controllers, routers, handsets, wiring harnesses, antennas, cables, and brackets from CLEVER DEVICES LTD. is the most cost-effective way to integrate the ferry mode. The Clever Systems are installed on the other revenue vehicles that RTA operates and this vendor also provides the technological systems and modules purchased and available to the agency. Local funding for this expense is included as part of RTA’s CY2022 approved budget (to be charged to account 1FERRY.1117.111). Total cost of this installation will be $336,549.00.
The increase in vehicle count will increase the Clever Maintenance budget. However, the funding for this other expense is also included as part of RTA’s CY2022 approved budget (to be charged to account 1FERRY.7140.17607.
Issue an approved purchase order to CLEVER DEVICES LTD to initiate the installation of the Clever System onboard the ferry mode.
1. Resolution
2. Procurement Routing Sheet
Prepared By: Anitra Honore
Title: Administrative Analysis
Reviewed By: Craig Toomey
Title: Director of Marine Operations
Reviewed By: Jose Ruiz-Garcia
Title: Chief Marine Officer
Reviewed By: Gizelle Banks
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Alex Wiggins Date
Chief Executive Officer