New Links Implementation Infrastructure Support
DESCRIPTION: Services, materials, supplies, supervision, labor, and equipment, required for construction support required for New Links Implementation |
AGENDA NO: Click or tap here to enter text. |
ACTION REQUEST: ☒ Approval ☐ Review Comment ☐ Information Only ☐ Other |
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to approve a change order to BRC Construction in the amount of $201,000 for the implementation infrastructure needed for New Links implementation.
In an effort to meet critical deadlines related to the New Links Implementation and the new Interim Downtown Transit Center staff is requesting authorization to change order the BRC Construction Contract. This contract is a task order contract to repair/upgrade and construct at all RTA facilities.
This change order will allow several task orders to be issued to support the New Links implementation. The construction of the interim transit centers for Downtown, additional tasks may include the relocation of stops and associated amenities. The Contractor will provide all services, materials, supplies, supervision, labor, and equipment, except as specified as RTA-furnished, required to provide facilities support services at all listed locations in accordance with the specifications, terms, and conditions contained herein and incorporated by reference. Services will be performed in accordance with RTA Safety and Health Requirements and applicable Federal, State, and Local laws.
This change order will be funded from multiple funding codes. All transit stops (1284399.7610.124) new construction and shelter relocation will be funded by 1.1044 (Interim Downtown Transfer Center). The total from all these sources is $201,000 for 2022.
Upon RTA Board approval, a change order will be issued to BRC Construction.
1. Resolution
2. Change Order
3. Interim Downtown Hub Phase 1 90% Design Drawing
4. Interim Downtown Hub Phase 1 Cost Estimate
Prepared By: Dwight Norton, dnorton@rtaforward.org
Title: Senior Director of Strategic Planning
Reviewed By: Lona Edwards Hankins, lhankins@rtaforward.org
Title: Deputy CEO of Planning and Infrastructure
Reviewed By: Gizelle Johnson Banks
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Alex Wiggins Date
Chief Executive Officer