Award Pivotal Engineering Transit Stops Inventory Improvement Project
DESCRIPTION: Requesting Board authorization to approve a task order for Pivotal Engineering to complete a Transit Stops Inventory Improvement Program. |
AGENDA NO: Click or tap here to enter text. |
ACTION REQUEST: ☒ Approval ☐ Review Comment ☐ Information Only ☐ Other |
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a task order with Pivotal Engineering, LLC, a Certified DBE/SLDBE, to conduct an inventory of RTA transit stops in an amount not-to-exceed $493,430 for a project duration not-to-exceed eighteen months.
The purpose of the task order is to complete an updated, comprehensive inventory of transit stops assets, their conformance with applicable Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines, their overall condition, and upload results into a database for ongoing stops maintenance by RTA staff. The task order also includes development of a capital improvement program and funding strategy to achieve ADA compliance by 2030.
The RTA currently has 2,078 bus, streetcar, and ferry stops in its transit network. The current RTA transit stops inventory, completed in 2015, is outdated, with only piecemeal updates completed as new shelters are installed and stops removed. Following the New Links bus route network redesign in September 2022, the RTA needs to complete a comprehensive update to the inventory. The initiative will improve the quality and uniformity of the RTA’s transit stop data, and it will identify the best database tool for data management and regular updating of the information.
The inventory will also support the RTA’s work to comply with accessibility requirements, as per the 2017 Falls vs. RTA and City of New Orleans settlement agreement. The consent decree requires that all RTA bus stops be ADA accessible by 2030. Following the completion of the inventory and informed by the inventorying activities, the consultant hired for this project will produce a capital program for achieving ADA compliance based on the requirements of the consent decree. The consultant will then transition to a compliance and monitoring role, reporting independently to the RTA on progress in implementing ADA compliance-related improvements.
This initiative is aligned with the Agency’s Strategic Mobility Plan: Goal - “Be Equitable”; Strategy - “Make transit accessible for people with disabilities”; Actions BE3, BE6, and BE7.
To select a vendor to complete this scope, staff utilized the On-Call A&E pool of pre-qualified vendors (RFQ# 2020-035). A Request for Technical Proposals (RTP #2024-03) was sent to all vendors in the pool. Staff selected Pivotal Engineering, LLC’s proposal for award. The task order with Pivotal to provide the project deliverables will be managed by the Planning & Capital Projects Division.
The Transit Stops Inventory Improvement Program has the following key deliverables, per the task order scope of services:
• Deliverable 1 - Project implementation plan with schedule demonstrating the project approach.
• Deliverable 2 - Technical Memo with recommendations for:
• Inventory database platform that is best suited for the RTA’s needs and for interoperability with the City of New Orleans’ asset management system(s)
• Inventory fields (components) with data sources, and for the requirements, structure, design and implementation approach for the transit stops inventory database.
• Deliverable 3 - Support set-up of staff-approved inventory database solution
• Deliverable 4 - Completed comprehensive update to transit stops inventory in the database platform determined in Deliverable 2.
• Deliverable 5 - Maintenance plan for the transit stops inventory database.
• Deliverable 6 - Recommended updates to RTA’s Transit Facility Design Guidelines including but not limited to standard pole and bracket type.
• Deliverable 7 - Develop capital program, with cost estimates, funding sources, and phasing for achieving ADA compliance at all active bus stops by 2030.
The portfolio of projects is locally funded from the approved 2024 capital budget. The budget code is 01-0000-00-1501-000-00-00-00000-00000. The total project amount is not to exceed $493,430.
Notice to Proceed issued to Pivotal Engineering, LLC to kick off the project.
1. Resolution
2. Request for Technical Proposal (RTP) #2024-03: Transit Stops Inventory Improvement Program Scope
3. Pivotal Engineering, LLC Proposal
4. Approval of change order request for Pivotal Engineering, LLC including Independent Cost Estimate
Prepared By: Rafe Rabalais
Title: Director of Capital Projects
Reviewed By: Dwight Norton
Title: Chief Planning and Capital Projects Officer
Reviewed By: Ryan Moser
Title: Chief Asset Management Officer
Reviewed By: Gizelle Johnson Banks
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Lona Edwards Hankins Date
Chief Executive Officer